3 Secrets No PEB Company Wants You to Know!
We are going to share with you 3 secrets which no Pre-engineered building company wants you to know.
1. Designing:
Design is the most important part of any building, generally in the PEB industry designing is done in on two codes one is IS code ( Indian Standard code) another is AISC (American code ) either of two is ok, the problem is not with the code the problem is with the version of the code the latest version of the code is not been followed and also the latest version of the designing software is not been followed by the PEB Vendors.
When they send quotation to you the version of the code is not the same, say the latest version has come up in IS code which is in 2015, but they will mix up the entire thing and use maybe 1987 code of IS just to optimize the weight and to keep the weight and the overall cost at the minimum.
So you need to be careful about it, also you need to make sure that you get the DBR (Design basis report) from the vendor along with the GA drawing (General arrangement drawing ) So that you can get it weighted by a third party in case you want to.
2. Chemical and Mechanical Properties of the material that is being used:
Most of the Pre-engineered buildings are designed as per the high tensile which is 350 mpa yield strength material of Steel to be used, but most of the companies they do not use 350mpa material, they use a sub-standard which is the 250 mpa YS material but if the design has been made at 250 mpa material than the Building is going to collapse anytime, Its a big risk for you as well as for the people working inside the building so you should be very very careful while deciding on the vendor because most of the smaller vendors, they do this. That is the only way through which they can be competitive as compared to their bigger counterparts or the larger counterparts.
So the only way to check this is to get the MTC ( Metal test certificate ) from the vendor and also to get the metal verified by third party laboratory, that is the best way to ensure that you are getting at 350mpa high tensile Steel from the vendor.
3. The Make of the Steel:
A lot of the smaller players especially use sub-standard Chinese material rather than using the Branded steel products like the JSW or the TATA, So you need to mention the brand of the steel to be used in your purchase order.
To help you make the right decision we have done two things for you one is, we have developed the check sheet which is a Need Analysis Check Sheet which is a point by point analysis of what all you want to be incorporated in your Pre-engineered Buildings and the second is a QAP(Quality Assurance Plan), which ensures that you get the right quality of material in the Pre-engineered building.
Also Read : How Much Time Should It Take To Construct A Pre Engineered Building?
Thank you for reading this blog we hope this blog has been useful to you.