If you are looking for buying a Pre Engineered Steel Building for your business, you are probably inundated with many options. The process of buying is no doubt a painstaking one. But if you have the right knowledge and the know-how, it’s rather easy…even simpler than buying a laptop! EPACK Prefab is here to help you with your queries and select the right one that suits your needs. To ease out the process of buying we have put together some commonly asked questions that our customers have asked time and again. Essentially is it about cost, specifications, materials, facility, aesthetics and the building process.
1. How Long Does it Take to Construct a Pre Engineered Building?
Pre Engineered Buildings can be built pretty quick, and our team is one of the reputed ones in India. The construction time depends on the size, however, we have erected warehouses, airport terminal buildings in a short span of 3 to 4 months’ time. The average size of a warehouse is 70,000 square feet, which can be completed in 3 months, based on work conditions at the construction site.
2. How Cheap is it to Erect Such a Building?
This is one of the most common questions we get from clients. Flexibility on the client’s part with regards to delivery and timelines is a major cost saver. However, cheaper does not always necessarily mean better. It is no secret that some manufacturers compromise with quality standards to keep production costs low. While that may seem a profitable proposition in the beginning, design and engineering, if compromised with, can end up leading to low-quality construction. This will increase long-term costs arising from maintenance and repair work.
3. What Kind of Steel is Used in my Steel Building and What are the Components?
Steel has various properties and comes in different shapes and sizes. We use cold roll steel for all our structures.
4. What are the Components in my Steel Building?
The structures have a primary frame which includes the building columns, rafters, crane brackets, end wall frames. The primary frames are made of H-beam structures casted from steel. The primary frame is followed by a secondary frame which essentially provides support to the roof wall sheets. The secondary frame plays an important role in load distribution and support to the primary frame. The components include purlins, girts, eave struts, bracing, etc.
5. Do You have a Team Overseeing your Project?
Yes, we have full in-house capability to deliver projects, right from planning, drawing, till onsite delivery and execution. We have specialized teams, each with a different skill set, encompassing all the requirements to execute projects. We also have pan India network for delivery and our company is reputed for executing projects in the remotest parts of the country.
In conclusion, the process of selecting a steel building isn’t as complicated as it looks like. The groundwork is done by a team of experts who are trained to make the process smooth and seamless.
Also Read : Why Construct Pre Engineered Buildings?
At EPACK Prefab, we offer steel/metal based Pre-engineered Building construction solutions which can be used in multiple sectors (industrial, infrastructure, Institutional and Sports & Leisure Building Sectors).